Fiji’s first weather app – NaDraki, a simple weather app that supplies localised forecasts to its subscribers on a daily basis.
NaDraki provides expert weather and climate consultative services to business, industry, government and non-government organizations and the community in Fiji.
This App helps easily plan and prepare for all weather eventualities and shares warnings of severe weather conditions around Fiji Islands, as soon as we issue them.

With the impact of global warming, the intensification of weather and climate extremes are visible today like never before. People continue to demand accurate weather forecasts and warnings for the simple reason of preparedness! Our weather subscriptions have almost doubled in the last 12 months and this is a direct correlation to Cyclone Winston and the extreme weather conditions we’ve been experiencing.
Weather has now become an obsession! Our weather subscription services offers daily weather forecasts specific to locations around the country, enabling subscribers to better prepare for the day ahead. An ‘Information on Demand’ or IOD service is also available for nonsubscribers, allowing them to txt in requesting weather forecasts for specified location(s) to get an update in an instant.
A chat service is also accessible allowing the subscriber to chat directly with a weatherman for day specific information – this personal touch adds a lot more value to our services!

Our Lifestyle channels offer something that will benefit everyone. Keeping in mind the varied tastes in the market we have everything from Health to Lifehacks and even Inspirational Quotes.
Our lifestyle channels acts as a gauge for subscriber preferences and we are constantly adding to the list with our LOL (jokes) channel being the most popular!

One of our most popular products in the market - SMS Gaming. We offer a wide variety of SMS games that interact with players to make games super fun and very addictive to play. With CASH being the Major prizes for SMS Games, players have to compete with each other to Rank Top 5 or 3 at the end of every campaign to walk away with CASH in their pockets.
Trust us! Once You Start, You Cannot Stop!
MONK is the first SMS platform developed and maintained locally (Fiji Islands) by a team of programmers and graphic designers at Vititech Ltd.
The main goal of the platform was to develop an easy and fast connection to interested network providers, and act as a gateway for the respective content suppliers that enables both parties with a seamless and intuitive user experience.
MONK has an open source policy that allows all content suppliers and the respective telco’s access to broadcast their messages in a manner that can be managed for time specic or scheduled slots.

Administration Portal to mange SMS channels, Create New Subscriptions services, push out med messages, send broadcasts.

Customer care portal where telco customer care representatives can view subscriber details and unsubscribe them from services.

Statistical analysis of SMS based products which is available to both network provider or content supplier